English - About Us.



For now you'll find here a description of our work in brief.


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further information.

“Der Jugendring” (the youth ring) is a brand-new NGO founded in April 2017 in the city of Fürstenwalde (50 km south-east of Berlin) as an umbrella organisation for local and regional NGOs active in youthwork. It aims to work in the tradition of a local/regional youth council or a standing conference of youth organisations.

In detail, its motivation is to support youth work through:

  • Doing active youth policy!
  • Explain and educate!
  • Providing a platform and a roof!
  • Fostering networking!
  • Closing gaps!
  • Supporting self-organisation!
  • Living interculturalism!
  • Promoting Internationality!
  • Arranging mutual understanding!

The founding fathers and mothers are all very experienced in youth work and youth policy. The first activities will be: lobby for youth, supporting the exchange of youth workers through regular meetings, offering participation workshops for young people in preparation for the federal election in autumn, providing trainings and workshops for youth workers.